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Img models plus size

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I like to think of my casual look as blue collar but stylish. That coupled with layers of cool shirts and denim. I love to highlight what I love and people I love so that means a lot of apparel from these teams, bands, artists, and businesses. When I’m casual, I like to highlight things I love, whether it be a band I love, a local sports team, a brewery, a business.

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We don’t use the term “plus sized” we use Curve, same as men taking the positive aspects of size, curvaceous, sexy, confident and highlights those aspects, free of any pre-conceived notions of beauty or handsome. IMG has done the same with their women models. Brawn means power, brawn means physical strength. Brawn takes the positive aspects of size and brings them to the forefront, rather than the negative. For some reason terms like big, or large, have developed a negative connotation. Brawn shows us that all shapes and sizes are handsome and worthy of pride. For so long, men have been told ‘you have to be this one thing’, and if you aren’t then there is something wrong with you you’re too big, you’re too skinny, whatever. IMG doesn’t have a specific Brawn division, it is just a term to describe my size. I am honored to be a part of IMG’s Men’s division. What are his thoughts on the creation of the “Brawn” department? Men aren’t supposed to care or have feelings about the way we look, why, because it isn’t manly? Have feelings isn’t weak or unmasculine, it’s human. Men don’t feel comfortable talking about their bodies or celebrating their shape and size because of these false bravado norms we impose about ourselves. I think the only reason the male industry is so behind is because we have to do a better job of supporting one another like the female industry has done. It is such an amazing step forward and I really think the mens industry will be able to do just as amazing things. My fellow IMGer Ashley Graham was the first curvy woman ever to be on the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue.

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Now, you see Curvy women in fashion shows, in magazines and catalogues and they are being celebrated for their beauty and it is finally becoming mainstream. There has been enormous support and they have taken giant steps forward. Women have done an amazing job of supporting the plus and body positive movement. When you see men, of a certain size modeling, it is more relatable to the average American male. In America, the average waist size for a man is 39 inches, yet most stores and designers only go up to 36 or 38. People are happy to see plus sized models because it is beauty in a different form. When did we, as a society, decide that one was better than another? People of every shape size, age, race, religion and gender are all beautiful. None of these are compliments or insults they are just descriptors. Zach: In our society we, for one reason, have developed an idea that Big is an insult and skinny is a compliment, fat is bad and thin is good. What is your opinion on the plus size controversy (explosion/inclusion) seen by a male point pf view.

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He’s proud to be a New Yorker and at the height of 6’6, the 26-year old is also proud to represent the Average American male in runways, advertisements and continued Instagram selfies. IMG Models is redefining plus-size by renaming the type of style as Brawn – men with girth and amble meat on their bones like Zach Miko. Who is Zach Miko? To some he’s the average funny American guy addicted to his social media but to the fashion world, he is the first male Plus model. Their first male model signed is Instragram sensation, Zach Miko. However, legendary modeling agency IMG Models has set a precedence and created the first plus-size division for men. For all of the celebrations that plus-sized women have made recently in the fashion industry, men have been silently left behind.

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